How to Reach Us

We want to be responsive to your questions or issues.

Contacting PLIPDECO

  • For Emergencies or immediate assistance, please call our Charge Room at 679-7233 or Mobile: 290-0978.
  • For receiving and addressing feedback from our valued customers, call 636-3129 between the hours of 8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday. After 4:00pm and on weekends, messages can be left on the automated voice mail.




Registered Office

Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation Limited


Orinoco Drive

Point Lisas Industrial Estate

Couva, Trinidad West Indies

Telephone: (868) 636-2201

Fax: (868) 636-4008


P.O. Box:

Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation Limited

P.O. Box 110

Port of Spain, Trinidad West Indies


Port Point Lisas

Port Administration Building

Atlantic Avenue

Point Lisas Industrial Estate

Point Lisas, Couva, Trinidad West Indies

Cargo Handling: (868) 636-2202/4388/2137/4006

Harbour and Marine: (868) 350-6055



Security Department

PLIPDECO House Guard Booth: 339-6095

Charge Room: 679-7233/290-0978